Welcome to juliemama.com!

2017 UPDATE: If you've landed here because you're curious about my domain name, you'll surely be disappointed to know that I haven't used or updated this since about 2007...holy crap, it's been ten years?! ANYWAY... this is OLD stuff so pretend this never happened, go about your day, and stop creeping on me.

Thanks for stopping by my little home on the web.

I started this site several years ago as part of my home business but I no longer have that business. I maintain the site just as a hobby, as well as to direct people to some of the information and links I've collected over the years.

Among the other things which describe and define me, I am Chapter Leader for the South King County, WA chapter of Holistic Moms Network, a fabulous group of moms like me who choose natural health, attachment parenting, and other "off the mainstream" choices for their family...and some who only do a few of those things.

As I am truly passionate about breastfeeding, natural birthing, attachment parenting, and natural health and vegetarian diets, I'm sharing some excellent and informative links in their respective sections which you can find by using the navigation bar on the left. Additionally, I've recently "officially" entered the realm of homeschooling, and in that section I'll be sharing links to sites I love as well as to projects that my son is working on.

I hope you'll enjoy your visit to juliemama...please say hello to me in my Guestbook so I'll know you dropped by!